The last day of July was a pretty good one in many ways. My first errand after breakfast was to visit the post office to see if the maps for the next section had arrived. I had a smile from ear to ear when the postal clerk came back with a yellow manila envelope with my name on it. No hiking blind. I need Halfmile's maps to see. I joined Steve and Kristin at the Cascade Inn for breakfast as I'd seen Kristen wave a good morning from one of the booths near the front windows while I was making a beeline for the post office. I'd already had some granola in camp, but managed to polish off a stack of flapjacks nonetheless. I lost quite a bit of weight in Washington and though I haven't stepped on the scales, my reflection in the campground restroom's mirror shows a face that's a little gaunt. On parting again, Steve and Kristen said they'd be taking the official PCT route. I, on the other hand, planned to hike a popular alternate route---Eagle Creek Trail. First things first, however, because I still badly needed

new shoes and socks. I walked out to the nearest freeway exit at the edge of town and picked a spot just up from there to try my luck. About a half hour later lovely, kind Audrey pulled over and gave me a ride to Hood River, the town with the shoe store. I had the advertisement from the newspaper, which contained the store's address. I showed it to a local woman, who was able to give me detailed directions to its location. While walking through the town I must admit I was impressed with Hood River, it being the type of town I definitely wouldn't mind living in one day. Tried on several pairs of shoes, but in the end it was the Mizunos that seemed to be made for my feet. Three pairs of socks fit the bill as well. As soon as I got outside, it was out with the old and in with the new, the Lafumas and Powersox went in the rubbish bin. Man my feet are loving this! Back out to Highway 84 and BAM---I'd barely put my thumb out when Mark, a rafting operator out of Hell's Canyon, gives me an apple and a ride. I'm back in Cascade Locks by 1:30, so I decide to hit the trail. Break camp, resupply at the Columbia Market with some seriously high calorie assortment of food, and I'm back in the saddle again. Walked the PCT until it crossed under the freeway, then followed Gorge Trail 400 to Eagle Creek Trail 440. Lots of people at Eagle Creek since it's Saturday, but I can see why so many people come here. It's gorgeous. A shady, well-maintained trail, ferns galore, moss aplenty, Eagle Creek carving a narrow route through the basalt, waterfalls splashing and crashing into deep pools, almost inviting you in for a swim they are that tempting. Tunnel Falls was awesome. Easily the biggest in the gorge, the footpath runs in a semi-circle around and behind it. A tunnel has been blasted out of the cliff that the falls thunder down. Dramatic and breathtaking to be so close on the high and narrow trail. Tonight I'm camped in a lovely spot a few miles up the trail from Tunnel Falls and will shortly fall asleep to the sounds of Eagle Creek's flowing water.
Eagle Creek
Tunnel Falls
12 Miles
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