I know Minnesota lays claim to being the land of 10,000 lakes, but this part of Oregon sure has its fair share, from big ones like
Olallie to small pothole ponds no bigger than a bathtub all along this morning's section. The climb upwards was a long and hard one, especially the last mile or so. Snowdrifts covered a rocky, barren land that looked as if some old Norse kings had been buried there in their stone-covered tombs. As the trail crested the top of the ridge, my struggle was rewarded

with some absolutely stunning views of Mt. Jefferson. Its snowy summit towered above the other forested slopes and at its base was a vast idyllic meadow. I stopped to have lunch and take it all in. An hour later I entered this area of lakes and meadows at the foot of the mountain, which is called Jefferson Park. Truly, it is one of the most picturesque places I've seen on my entire journey. Shallow lakes reflecting the snowy heights of the area's namesake, rich green meadows streaked red with an abundance of Indian Paintbrush, the sun none too hot with a gentle breeze. Nature's glory all around. I felt like setting the pack down and making camp, but alas---trail miles. This is a journey and I've got to keep going. However, this is definitely a place worth returning to. On the western slope of Mt. Jefferson I had to cross an avalanche area. Trees had been flattened by the power of the runaway snow and now, in summer, hikers have to climb over, duck under or walk around what remains. A tedious, time consuming activity over the space of a mile. Trail
maintenance workers will eventually get here with their saws and axes to clear the path, but at the moment you simply have to get around such obstacles as best you can. Didn't quite reach 30 today, but more than satisfied with my progress considering the difficult trail conditions. Camped at Shale Lake, belly full, body sore but hydrated, journal updated. God, it was a beautifully memorable day!Land of Snow and StoneMt. JeffersonIn Jefferson Park28 Miles
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