Despite a cold, blustery night, I awoke only once, drank some water and ate handfuls

of Mike & Ike fruit-flavoured candies trying to rehydrate and get some sugar energy. By the time morning came, I felt well enough to break camp at the usual hour. My first destination, The Lookout, a high point on the rim with a National Park Service watchtower. I climbed the zigzag trail to the top and, no surprise, I was the only one there cause it was still early, around 8 a.m. Had the place and the grandeur of the setting to myself, so a little breakfast was called for. As I was eating, I went around and read all of the informative signs the park puts there for visitors to understand the history and geology better. Following the switchbacks down after my blissful breakfast, I took a stroll along the Crater Rim Trail. Nearly three hours, where every new twist and turn earned me a different perspective than the one before. The change of shading on the cliffs making the stone slightly lighter or darker. The hue of the water, especially around Wizard Island, ranging from deep navy blue to a light aquamarine. Time just flew by and before I knew it, it was time to head for Mazama Village for cleanup and resupply. I shaved first, which was a long process due to three weeks of growth and perhaps as many layers of trail dust. A shower was next (Thanks to whoever left the eucalyptus bath and body wash) and then taking care of the sweat-soaked, smelly laundry. While in the laundry room, Jason and Cassandra arrived. I waved a greeting, but because of my clean
shaven face, Cassandra didn't recognize me at first. They came to share the picnic table I was sitting at as they did their necessary chores as well. In between times, we had a chance to share experiences, swap stories and
reminisce. Some Nobos arrived and I listened in on their banter. Swift, Buckeye, The Graduate, Mr. Rotund and Eva the Moravian. Funny stories about stupid people. At around 5, the Nobos departed for some stealth camping at the rim and we crossed over to Annie's restaurant for the dinner buffet. Soup/Salad, mashed potatoes, beef stroganoff, lasagna, pizza, swirl ice cream, carrot cake. Mmmm. Three return trips. At the end when we were ready to leave, some diners at a neighboring table came over because they had overheard parts of our conversation and had a lot of questions to ask. That kept us there until almost nine when we absolutely had to leave. One last visit to the shop and loo. Water fiil-up. Headlamps guided us on a short road walk back to the trail. We went about 50 meters in from the trailhead and settled down for the night.The Morning SunSweeping Clouds and CliffsWizard Island10 Miles
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