Lots of night time animal activity, especially deer passing the tent, occasionally a crash in the brush when they bound off, startled by some unseen danger. A big buck came in front of my tent around 2 a.m. and in the pale moonlight I could see him as he raised his antlers and flicked his ears warily. An early rise got me to Etna Summit at the time I wanted, but the problem was no cars going to Etna and the only cars traveling in the opposite direction were forest service vehicles. Not wanting to wait or perhaps lacking the patience to do so, I started road walking to town. An hour later, only the second car I'd seen all morning going my way pulled over and picked me up. The driver was taking his dog to see a vet as she'd had a run-in with a bear and had picked up a few gashes for her trouble. Etna

is a lovely little town, a true picture of rural Americana, one of the favourites of PCT hikers. Bought enough food at the grocery store to get me through the next section and a quart of Rocky Road ice cream, which I savoured in the shade by the side of the store. Hitch out was easy with an elderly local couple who were going the other side of Etna Summit to pick blackberries. Outstanding! Four
Nobos at the summit and four more on the trail. I honestly don't see how they can possibly finish at their current pace. Hopefully the Cascade snowfall will be merciful. A good half day of walking, but a campsite was hard to come by as I was stuck hiking on a side slope. Lucky to find a tiny spot just off the trail that was flat enough and big enough to accommodate my tent. The only drawback is that it smelled a bit like cow urine from the herds that free range here during the summer months. Gotta find a lake or stream tomorrow in which to wash off all the trail dust I've accumulated.
South of Etna
Smith Lake
Indian Paintbrush
19 Miles
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