As a consequence of the prior day's difficulty, I decided to get an extra hour of sleep in hopes that it would help. As it turned out, it must have. I slept extremely well

and those times I did wake up during the night, I took a few slurps from the Platypus hose. I certainly felt strong for most of the day and was powering down the trail. The terrain and conditions were similar to those of yesterday- forested lake country along with those miserable bloodsuckers on occasion. I don't know how many I've killed. The inside of my tent looks like a mosquito massacre occured there with all the little carcasses squished against the tarp. About 1:30 this afternoon, I topped a rise and was greeted with a magnificent view; the Rosary Lakes and Lake Odell glistening in the sunlight, virgin forests stretching to the hills in the distance. Took me 30 minutes to get down to the Rosaries, where I took a refreshing dip, fully clothed (minus shoes and socks). I waded to about thigh deep and, after a moment's hesitation, took the plunge. Ahhh! The soothing coolness of the water surrounding me. What's more, no skeeters to bother me when having a bite to eat for lunch. Filled up my water bottle and Platypus bladder at Middle Rosary because it was crystal clear, unlike some other lakes I had passed earlier. The last few miles the energy started to fade, so I was more than happy to set up camp on a small bluff overlooking Lils Lake. Almost 30 miles covered and it wasn't quite 6 p.m. Wow! Before signing off for the night, I'll tell you about a Japanese woman I met on the trail this afternoon. She's eighty years old---no, that's not a typo. Eighty. Last year she finished the California section. This year she's doing the Oregon section. "If I'm alive next year," she says, "I'd like to do Washington, but my balance is not so good, so I worry about the stream crossings." "Do you think I can do Washington?", she asked. Lady, I definitely believe you can! My hat's off to you. Amazing.
A Lake to Swim In
I wonder if she is doing the Washington section this year?